Renault Clio: Front Upper Structure


 Front wing: General description

Note: The information contained in the following describes the general repair procedure for all vehicles having the same design for this part. Before reading the following general information, make s

 Front wing lower mounting support: General description

WARNING The information contained in the following describes the general repair procedure for all vehicles having the same design for this part. Before reading the following general information, make

 Front end panel: General description

Note: The information contained in the following describes the general repair procedure for all vehicles having the same design for this part. Before reading the following general information, make s


 Sunroof mobile panel: Removal - Refitting

PANORAMIC SUNROOF REMOVAL I - REMOVAL PREPARATION OPERATION Open the moving panel. II - OPERATION FOR REMOVAL OF PART CONCERNED Remove the rear bolts (1) from the mobile panel. Remove: the mobile panel front bolts (2), the mobile panel (this operation requires two people). REFITT

 Non-side Opening Element Mechanisms

Bonnet release control: Removal - Refitting REMOVAL I - REMOVAL PREPARATION OPERATION Remove: the wheel arch liners (see 55A, Exterior protection, Front wheel arch liner: Removal - Refitting, 55A-41), the front bumper (see 55A, Exterior protection, Front bumper: Removal - Refitting, 55A-1

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