Renault Clio: Structural bodywork documentation: Use

B85 or C85


This information is classified in two complementary documents:

1 - Vehicle structure bodywork repair procedures (MR of the vehicle concerned)

This document comprises two sections:

a - Section 0:

This section does not contain repair methods, it only contains description information; It consists of several subsections:

b - Section 4:

This section consists of several subsections:

These subsections are linked to the Replacement Parts Catalogue and contain two types of information:

Note: Always read both parts in order to have all the necessary information to repair the vehicle.

2 - Fundamentals of the structure bodywork repair (MR 400)

This document comprises two sections:

a - Section 0:

This section does not contain any repair procedures; it only contains descriptive information and has only one subsection:

b - Section 4:

This section contains information about using the equipment and products, and basic operating ranges which concern the bodyshop technician. This section only has one subsection.


Renault Clio. Structural bodywork documentation: Use

Renault Clio. Structural bodywork documentation: Use


 Vehicle on repair bench: Description

I - MAIN REFERENCE POINTS BEFORE TRIM-SETTING 1 - Front sub-frame in place The jig crowns the front sub-frame rear mounting bolt (A). Use this situation for a rear impact or a light frontal impact w

 Structural components to be positioned on the repair bench: Description

I - PARTS REQUIRING THE USE OF A BODY JIG BENCH Radiator cross member support Centre floor front side cross member Front side member closure panel Front side member Engine stand Front half-uni

 Front Lower Structure


 Crankshaft seal on timing end: Removal - Refitting

K9K REMOVAL I - REMOVAL PREPARATION OPERATION Position the vehicle on a two-post lift (see Vehicle: Towing and lifting) (MR 392, 02A, Lifting equipment). Disconnect the battery (see Battery: Removal - Refitting) (MR 392, 80A, Battery). Remove the front engine cover. Remove: the scuttle

 Wheel: Balancing

I - PREREQUISITES FOR WHEEL BALANCING Wheel balancing is a measurement operation. Several conditions must be met to achieve a reliable result in a single operation. The wheel balancer must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It is essential to calibrate the bala

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